Monday, August 23, 2010

Steps to Recover from a Mistake

Courtesy - HBR

3 Steps to Recover from a Mistake

While most people accept that mistakes are inevitable, no one likes to make them. The good news is that even large errors don't have to be career-enders if they are handled well. Next time you make a blunder, follow these three steps to recover gracefully:

1. Fess up. Trying to hide a mistake or downplay its importance can be fatal to your career. Be candid and transparent about the mistake, take responsibility for your part in it, and don't be defensive.
2. Make necessary changes. Mistakes are important learning opportunities. Explain to your boss and other interested parties what you will do differently going forward.
3. Get back out there. Don't let your errors keep you from ever taking risks again. Once the mistake is behind you, focus on the future.

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