Thursday, November 26, 2009

IT Re-engineering - BPR

Any IT System re-engineering or a Business Process Re-engineering can be done following ways :

1. Big-Bang Approach : This approach is the once where the current system is replaced with NEW SYSTEM and NEW PROCESSES all at once. Eg: Current systems A1 ...Z1 is being replaced with A2....Z2 with change in systems and processes.

2. Incremental Approach : This approach is to improve or replace the existing system one small piece at a time.

3. Modular Infrastructure Approach : In this approach, the modular infrastructure that at first would function in parallel with but eventually would supersede the current infrastructure

By designing and deploying enterprise systems in a different way, Japan’s Shinsei Bank turned IT from a constraint into a launchpad for growth.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How much do we observe ?

How many times have you noticed a change in the engine noise ? change in tire pressure ? slight scratches ? simple or small changes around us

Most of us don't look at these until they cause troubles or breakdown. Paying attention to these kinda things contributes towards personal management.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

One of the Key Triangle for Leadership

The below mentioned is one of the Key Triangle for Leadership :




Best Painting of Leadership : (Thoughts from Manfred F.R Kets de Vries)

1. Painting of Ouroboros. Its a serpent or dragon swallowing its own tail and forming a circle. Its means reinventing itself.

A True leader should reinvent himself always.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Difference b/w Manager and Leader

In his 1989 book “On Becoming a Leader,” Warren Bennis composed a list of the differences:

– The manager administers; the leader innovates.

– The manager is a copy; the leader is an original.

– The manager maintains; the leader develops.

– The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people.

– The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust.

– The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective.

– The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.

– The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line; the leader’s eye is on the horizon.

– The manager imitates; the leader originates.

– The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.

– The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his or her own person.

– The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Conflict Resolution and Controlling Anger

Conflict resolution is such an important issue that organizations exist, whose sole function is to provide training in conflict resolution. Conflict resolution is about teaching people new ways to work through and resolve disputes that don't involve violence, and is an immediate priority for many organizations today.

Conflict resolution is being used with increasing frequency to supplement, and in some cases, supplant traditional decision-making processes at all levels of government. Conflict resolution is tricky because from the very beginning it takes setting aside the ego and listening to the other party, which does not usually come naturally to most of us.

Conflict resolution is a very important topic under the key knowledge area of Human Resource Management in Project Management. Conflict resolution is a skill based in good communication practices and an understanding of interpersonal dynamics, therefore, successful implementation of conflict resolution policies and procedures is often contingent on providing supervisors with appropriate training and coaching on the policy, procedures and interpersonal skills.


Stress happens to all of us -- deadlines, conflicting demands, constant interruptions, financial pressures, our kids, other people's kids, and often the unpredictable actions of the people who work with us who are also suffering from stress. Stress is merely a load on the system -- anything that gets our hearts going and our breathing rate up.

Stress, like exercise, can make us stronger if we take it in regular, increasing doses, but if stress is allowed to take over our lives, then it can affect our personal physical health and could even lead to a fatal heart attack.

Many men who batter their wives use anger as an excuse for their abuse, much as they blame alcohol, stress, or other individuals.

Communication in Management

Communication in management is a vital part of running a successful company. Communication involves more than the words that come out of your mouth; good communication in management involves managers talking to their workers on an equal basis and finding out what problems the worker might be experiencing (either personal or to do with them doing their job efficiently), and trying to find a good compromising solution.

Heavy-handed management that doesn't consider the workers' problems will inevitably result in a badly run company, low morale, and bad customer relations. Communication enhancement and anger or stress management techniques are often used especially in Japanese firms in order to control anger.


The key to a successful relationship lies in communication. Anger destroys relationships, leads to violence against others and ourselves, makes us depressed, and generates chemicals that eat away at us at the cellular level.

For a good relationship, we need to control the effects of anger on our finances, our health, our relationships, our work, the way we drive, the way we react to our children and pets, and the way that we react to authorities, people in customer support areas, Doctors, teachers, etc.

If you need medical attention, GET IT, otherwise you jeopardize your mental health, your physical health, your relationships and your life by your anger. We may not be able to change our mental capacity and personality but everyone can learn good communication skills to improve the way they get along in all relationships, not just marital type ones. Often relationships fall apart due to things people say to each other in anger.

Anger Control

The behavioral skills promoted by anger control include:
Arousal reduction,
Communication enhancement, and

Anger control is designed to make the individual more aware of this process and enable him or her to intervene in it. Anger control no doubt contributes to the redirection or reduction of anger and of aggression in many individuals. However, anger control fails to account for the premeditated controlling behaviors associated with abuse.

Anger control is often misrepresented as a quick-fix solution that may endanger battered women. However it tends to consider the abuse from the psychological point of view rather than accept the more uncomfortable task of confronting the economic, social and political injustices that perpetuate the problem. Anger control is possible once you decide you want to control the anger and not let it control you.

Anger Treatment

Cognitive behavioral treatment is sometimes used to try and overcome severe anger in posttraumatic stress disorder cases. The cognitive aspect is therefore emphasized in treatment, as is improved assertiveness and communication skills.

Arousal reduction uses stress management techniques such as progressive relaxation exercises and calming visualizations.


95% of the time, anger makes things worse instead of better. Thus some of the benefits of anger control are:
- You will be able to calmly handle stressful situations that otherwise would put you "over the edge".
- You'll be happier and more relaxed at home, at work and whilst driving.
- Your health will improve, as well as your relationships.
- A person you love could have been badly hurt if your anger had got out of control.